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Correctional tech, Insights, & articles

The Many Voices of Redemption: Albert Reed

The Many Voices of Redemption: Albert Reed

With 2021 now in the rearview mirror, resolutions made in the lead-up to the new year are now in full swing. For some, the new year is a symbolic reset. For others, it’s a chance to strengthen a skill or tackle a new goal. For Albert Reed, change had nothing to do...

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The Many Voices of Redemption: Gerald Tarboro

The Many Voices of Redemption: Gerald Tarboro

Stories of redemption are all around us. The context varies, but the inspirational quality of these real-life stories is universal. Behind every redemption story is a person who wrestled with adversity and succeeded against unlikely odds. Determined to make their mark...

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Gratitude is the Best Medicine

Gratitude is the Best Medicine

With Thanksgiving only a day away, gratitude is sure to be on the minds of many. As I reflect on the importance of the holiday, I’ve become painfully aware of the comforts and luxuries I fail to appreciate the other 364 days a year. Unfortunately, this is something...

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Three Words to Live by: Knowledge is Power

Three Words to Live by: Knowledge is Power

I’ve always had a profound love of sayings and proverbs in language. Few are as to-the-point and thought-provoking as this one: Knowledge is power. The pursuit of knowledge opens so many doors. It gives us power over our lives and futures, the ability to learn from...

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